Our Process


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Intensive Process of Rug Cleaning

We, at Oriental Rug Cleaning in Jupiter, have extensive know-how enabling us to thrive in our rug cleaning process industry. We have incorporated in our system the 5-step cleaning process that is both detailed and effective.

Rug Dusting Process

Step 1: Dusting Process

Every day, rugs are exposed to dirt, dust, and other elements — depending on where they are placed. In case you fail to eliminate these particJustifys immediately, they accumulate onto your rugs. So don’t be surprised when your rugs eventually get bJustifymished and unattractive.

When you bring your rugs to us for rug Cleaning, we make sure they are dusted first. For this, we use a machine that gets rid of all dust and dirt that have accrued on your rugs. We do not beat rugs to dust them off knowing that this practice is harmful to your rugs.

Step 2: Washing Process

You were probably surprised that we at Oriental Rug Cleaning in Jupiter chose to do manual washing. You shouldn’t be. We have extensively studied Oriental rugs. We know they are lovingly crafted by gentle and ingenious hands. Each piece does not deserve to be put inside a huge washing machine which can either loosen its carefully woven strands or shrink its normal size. Rug Washing Process may be tiring, but we believe that it’s the best way to wash a valuable piece. Besides, this method allows us to remove even the tiniest dirt that is embedded in each fiber.

Rug Washing Process

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Rug Soft Water Rinse Process

Step 3: Soft Water Rinse Process

After the thorough washing, we put your rugby means of our patented soft water rinse method. This approach which uses the combination of soft water and air could flush away the remaining dirt and solution that has been used in the washing stage. We stop rinsing only when we see the water coming off your rugs has turned clear. This step is as important as the other steps because this ensures your rugs are completely clean.

Step 4: Drying Process

Our Rug drying process is special because this dries your rugs faster than usual and in a manner that leaves them smelling fresh and looking new. To accomplish this, we dry your rugs by continuously exposing them to warm and dry air. After this, we move your rugs to another place so they would be completely dry. is special because this dries your rugs faster than usual and in a manner that leaves them smelling fresh and looking new. To accomplish this, we dry your rugs by continuously exposing them to warm and dry air. After this, we move your rugs to another place so they would be completely dry.

Rug Drying Process

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Fringe Cleaning Process

Step 5: Fringe Cleaning Process

This is the last step in the process. We make sure the fringes are clean down to its most minute fibers, colors are as vivid as before and all strands are in their right places. We use a tool specially made for this task. When we return your rugs to you, it’s as if you are getting new rugs.

Rug Restoration and Repair

Cleaning is not the only service Oriental Rug Cleaning Jupiter can do for you. We also do major rug repairs and restoration. We have expert technicians and up to date tools for repairing or restoring faded, torn or ripped rugs. We can handle all kinds of damages your rugs might have. We can’t wait to make your damaged rug look new. Call us! We’ll give you free estimates. Keep browsing our webpage at www.orientalrugcleaningjupiter.com.

Restore Rugs